Datavision announces a customer conference being held May 4-6 th, at Margeritaville Spa and Resort, in sunny Ft Lauderdale, Florida.
“Datavision is excited to announce our customer conference, designed with input from our customers” stated Sherry Marek, Vice President of Datavision. “We are excited to welcome our customers to South Florida. Our customers have asked for time to network and interact with different members of the Datavision organization. Our goal is to help our customers understand data in detail, helping them to run a more efficient operation, optimizing revenues and minimizing expenses.”
About Datavision Technologies
Datavision Technologies is privately held and based in the Miami area of United States. To learn more about our business intelligence modules, solutions and how our customers use Datavision in their daily operations, please visit our corporate website, , or contact Bonnie Wise at 1 (954) 299-7184, or bwise[at]datavisiontech[dot]com